[DRAFT] Minibus Hire Terms and Conditions

1 Interpretation
1.1 Definitions:
Additional Driver: means any driver other than you who is authorised by Us to drive the Vehicle in accordance with these Conditions.
Booking: means Your request to hire a Vehicle from Us.
Hiring Organisation: means the business, charity or other entity who is responsible for the hire of the Vehicle.
Conditions: these terms and conditions as amended from time.
Pre-Paid/Deposit Amount: means the sum paid by You at the time of placing a Booking, as specified by Us, towards the hire of the Vehicle, usually 50 percent of the total hire charge.
Proof of Address: means a certified document confirming the main place of residence, this may be in the form of a bank statement, utility bill (gas, electricity, water or landline phone), council tax bill, lease agreement or armed forces ID card if current residency is in military accommodation. This supplied document must be no more than 3 months old and can be either hard copy or digital.
Booking Form: the form You completed when requesting a booking providing full details about the Hirer’s organization, hire dates, and Drivers of the Vehicle, in which these terms were set.
Daily Checks: a report that the Hirer is responsible for completing daily, that accounts for the Vehicle condition
Hire Fees means Our fees payable by You for the hire of the Vehicle as set out in the Booking Form or as otherwise agreed by Us.
Hire Period: The period of which You have been permitted to use the Vehicle, as per any agreements with Us and/or your Booking Form.
Hirer/You/Your: means the person or hiring organisation that rents the Vehicle from Us and is named on the Booking Form.
Insurance Excess: This is currently £500 but may be subject to change.
Pre Hire Checklist: a report that is taken collaboratively between Us and the Driver who collects the Vehicle on collection and drop-off of the Vehicle. The report provides information on the Vehicle condition, fuel level and any other prudent information
Required Documents means 
(a)a full UK driving licence for each Driver valid for the entire rental period of the Vehicle, 
(b)All Drivers should have successfully attended a MIDAS, Hertfordshire County Council or other approved Minibus course,
(c)Section 19 Permit,
Reservation: means Your reservation of the Vehicle.
Telematic Data: means where a Vehicle is fitted with telematic technology, data provided to Us through such technology on Your use of the Vehicle including, but not limited to, the Vehicle’s speed and location.
United Kingdom: means England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Vehicle: means the minibus, registration DY24 GFJ.
We/Us/Our: means Elstree and District Scouts, a registered charity in England and Wales, Registration Number 1189643.
2 Basis of contract
2.1The Contract is made between the Hirer, herein referred to as ‘You’, ‘Your’ and/or ‘The Hirer’ and Elstree and District Scouts, herein referred to as ‘Us’ and/or ‘We’ and/or ‘Our’ and sets out Our responsibilities to You
and Your responsibilities to Us when renting a Vehicle.
2.2 The Contract is only formed when We allow a Driver on Your behalf to take possession of the keys to the Vehicle. We will not do so unless and until the Driver comes to collect a Vehicle from us on Your behalf(or where We deliver the Vehicle to You) and You provide the  Required Documents, You have paid in full for the hire, or, otherwise,  You have provided a deposit (as agreed with Us), you have agreed the vehicle condition report (which details the condition of the Vehicle, including, without limitation, any defects (i.e. scratches, dents etc. defined as Vehicle Condition  Report)) and We are satisfied that You meet Our rental criteria, from time to time, and satisfy the terms of the Contract.
2.3 By taking possession of the keys to the Vehicle, You:
(a) Accept the terms of the Contract; and agree with the Vehicle Condition Report.
(b) rent the Vehicle,
(c) pay relevant administration charges, Hire Fees and other fees, theft and damage charges, toll charges, parking, traffic or other fines or charges, reasonable court costs and/or any other reasonable charges, in the circumstances set out within these Conditions,
(d)Treat the Vehicle with respect, and act in the best interests of the safety and security of the Vehicle.
2.4 We reserve the right to amend these Conditions from time to time (including any administrative fees that We are Entitled to charge as set out in the Contract) upon giving You not less than fourteen days prior written notice.
2.6  Following submission of a Booking Form:
(a) The individual making the booking and the Hirer agree to be bound by all terms and  conditions comprised in this Contract.
(b) The Hirer shall ensure that the individual making the booking hereby confirms that they possess the required authority to make the booking and enter into this Contract on behalf of the Hirer, with whom they shall be jointly and severally liable for the Hirer’s obligations under this Contract.
3 Hire Charges:
3.1The Hirer agrees to pay the following Hire Fees promptly before the hire commences and by the date indicated on the Invoice (if applicable), without set-off or other deduction. 
3.2 The Hire Fees are calculated based on:
(1)   The period and duration of Hire
(2)   The type of organisation You are (including Your affiliation with Us)
(3)    Your anticipated mileage/Vehicle use
3.3 Unless otherwise stated, the Hire Fees include the cost of Vehicle tax, third party liability insurance and break down Assistance.
3.4 You must pay a mileage charge of £0.13p per mile if any Driver exceeds any mileage limitation set out in clause 3.5 below.
3.5 Our guidance mileage, which You will be charged if any Driver in excess of the agreed Hire Fees (unless agreed otherwise at Our discretion) is set on the below basis in relation to Your hire period:
3.6 You may be liable for additional charges at the end of the Hire Period following Our inspection of the Vehicle where You have breached the terms of this Contract and the condition of the Vehicle is required to be remedied  by professional cleaning or valeting services. Where the condition of the Vehicle cannot be remedied by professional cleaning or valeting services then We shall be entitled to treat this as damage to the Vehicle. 
3.7The Vehicle is fitted with an AdBlue Tank and it is Your responsibility to ensure the levels of AdBlue are checked by the Driver daily.  If the levels are low, you undertake that the Driver will not fill without contacting Us for approval.
3.8If You are late making any payment due after the hire period (i.e. damage or fuel fees), We will charge You, without further notice, fees on the amount that is overdue. The fee is £15.00 per 30-day period any debts go unpaid, beyond the initial 30-day invoice period. We will also charge You for any reasonable costs incurred by Us whilst We attempt to  recover payment from You (including reasonable legal costs).
3.9You must return the Vehicle to the original place of collection, unless agreed otherwise in the Contract.
3.10Where You wish to cancel a Booking Our schedule of fees are as below:

4 Hire Period:
4.1                  The Hire Period is the period from collection(the start date and time shown on the Booking Form) and ends on the indicated date and time shown as You stated on the Booking Form.
4.2                  Where the Hire Period has expired and You have not returned the Vehicle to Us within the window as stated, We may repossess the Vehicle. If We repossess the Vehicle, You must pay any reasonable expenses We incur in the process of repossession. If We have the right to repossess the Vehicle, You give Us permission to access Your premises to do so.
4.3                  In addition to Clause 4.2 above, if You fail to return the Vehicle within the period as agreed, You will also be liable for any loss of income that We experience as a result of this.
4.4Please note that Your obligations in relation to the Vehicle continue until You return the Vehicle to us, regardless of the stated Hire Period.
4.5 During the Hire Period, You must not and You shall ensure that each Driver must not:
(a)take the Vehicle outside the United Kingdom, without Our prior written agreement;
(b)use the wrong fuel;
(c)drive the wrong way down a one-way street;
(d)drive without due care and attention or at excessive speeds;
(e)use a mobile communication device that may distract a Driver from driving including driving whilst texting, emailing, using a mobile phone without a hands-free device or otherwise engage in similar activities;
(f)fit Your own equipment to the outside of the Vehicle which may cause damage to the Vehicle, for example, signage, stickers, roof racks, luggage carriers or bike racks;
(g)overload the Vehicle(as determined by the Vehicle manufacturer);
(h)sell, rent, remove, or dispose of the Vehicle or, allow anyone else to do so;
(i)push or tow any trailer or any other Vehicle;
(j)give anyone any rights over the Vehicle;
(k)work on the Vehicle or let anyone else work on the Vehicle without Our prior written agreement;
(l)let anyone drive the Vehicle other than a Driver;
(m)carry or transport any hazardous, toxic, flammable, corrosive, radioactive, harmful, dangerous, strong smelling or illegal materials;
(n)use the Vehicle for any crime or other illegal activity or purpose;
(o)use the Vehicle for hire or reward or outside of the remit of a Section 19 Permit
(p)use the Vehicle for any purpose which requires an operator’s licence;
(q)use the Vehicle off-road, on a race track, for racing, pace making, testing whether for reliability or speed, or for teaching someone to drive, or in connection with motor rallies, competitions, demonstrations or trials;
(r)drive through spaces which are too narrow for the Vehicle;
(s)damage the Vehicle by transporting unsecured loads or hitting high level objects;
(t)damage the roof of the Vehicle by hitting high level objects or carrying unsecured loads;
(u)use the Vehicle whilst any Driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs or other narcotic substances, or medications under the effects of which the operation of a Vehicle is prohibited or not recommended;
(v)smoke or allow anyone else to smoke in the Vehicle;
(w)use the Vehicle in an imprudent, negligent or abusive manner;
(x)attempt to avoid collisions with small animals (e.g. animals up to the size of a fox) where doing so may result in damage to the Vehicle greater than that which would otherwise be caused by a collision with such small animals;
(y)drive the Vehicle in any way that could cause damage to its engine or cause damage or strain to the clutch;
(z)use the Vehicle if the AdBlue tank is empty;
(aa)use the Vehicle for any purpose other than the transportation of people;
(bb)permit the consumption of food or alcohol in the Vehicle.
4.6The examples provided in Clause 4.5 above are not exhaustive and any unlawful or dangerous conduct whilst a Driver is driving or  otherwise making use of the Vehicle will be viewed as You acting in breach of the Contract and, to the extent We are allowed to do so by law, You will lose the benefit of any damage waivers, excess reduction products, personal accident  insurance and third-party liability insurance.
5 Drivers:
5.1 For all Drivers that will be using the Vehicles(s) during the hire, the Hirer will submit (at least one week before the hire commences) scans of driving licences and a DVLA ‘Check Code’ so that We may verify all licence details. 
5.2                The Hirer agrees and will ensure that all Drivers of the Vehicle: -
(a)Have a ‘clean’ licence held for a minimum of 2 years. 
(b)Have passed a Hertfordshire County Council (when the hire has been made by a Scout unit connected to Hertfordshire Scouts) minibus driving assessment or MIDAS or other approved minibus driving assessment. 
(c)Are over 25 years of age on the day the hire commences or under 70 years of age when the Hire Period ends.
(d) Have a valid driving licence permitting them to drive the category of Vehicle subject to the Hire. 
(e)Disclose any accidents, convictions or penalty points in the last 5 years to Us. 
(f) Disclose any ‘DVLA-notifiable’ medical conditions to Us. 
(g)Will not tow with the Vehicle. 

5.3             The Hirer understands and agrees that their associated entity must hold a section 19 small bus permit to exempt them
 from PSV/PCV requirements, which must be displayed in the Vehicle(s) during use. Permits apply to the organisation hiring the Vehicle(s), not to the Vehicle itself, so You must have your own. 
5.4 In the event that non-disclosure of any information known to the Hirer or Driver makes void (or voidable) or vitiates the
Group’s Vehicle insurance, the Hirer agrees to indemnify Us – on a full indemnity basis - in respect of any 
subsequent liabilities, costs, claims, demands or expenses which it may suffer or incur arising directly or indirectly from 
Our Vehicle insurance being made void (or voidable) or vitiated. 
5.5 If You or anyone in Your party (including any Driver) is in Our reasonable opinion, abusive, threatening or violent towards any one of Our volunteers, We may refuse to allow You to hire. We may also refuse hire to You if We believe You or any  Driver is under the influence of drink or drugs.
5.6 If Our volunteer has any concern about a Driver’s ability to drive the Vehicle, for any reason We may ask You to undertake  a short competency test before allowing You to proceed with collection. If We still feel that the Driver We are  issuing the Vehicle to is not competent to drive the Vehicle safely, We may refuse to hire the Vehicle to You, unless another Driver can be sourced. At this point, We also reserve the right to refuse to allow any Driver to drive or take custody of the Vehicle, whom We are not confident is able to safely drive the Vehicle.
6.0 Cross Border: The Vehicle must not be driven outside the United Kingdom

7.0 Telematics:

7.1 The Vehicle is fitted with telematic technology and reflects Your duty of care to look after the Vehicle and Our interests in protecting the Vehicle and ensuring that You comply with the Contract:
7.2             We will receive from the telematic unit Telematic Data concerning Your use of the Vehicle. We will evaluate, analyse and use the Telematic Data both during and after the Hire Period.
7.3          Without prejudice to the provisions of clause 7.2We will use the Telematic Data, for the purposes of monitoring Your
Compliance with and, if necessary, enforcing the Contract and ensuring that We know whether the Vehicle appears to 
have been stolen. This monitoring will include the location of the Vehicle.
7.4            In the event that We determine, from Our use of the Telematic Data, that You have breached the Contract We may end the Hire Period and/or charge you additional fees in accordance with the terms of the Contract.
7.5            In the event that We determine, from Our use of the Telematic Data, that Your use of the Vehicle means that You have incurred extras fees or costs under the Contract (for example charges in relation to milage) We will charge You these additional fees and/or costs over and above the Hire Fee.
7.6             In the event that We reasonably believe that the Vehicle may have been stolen We reserve the right to remotely  activate anti-theft technology which may be able to reproduce the route taken by extracting the last GPS positions of  the Vehicle from a separate database. We will not have any liability to You in the event that We exercise this right
provided that We have done so in good faith. 
8.0           Collection and Drop-Off:
8.1           Following receipt of your Deposit We will contact you to confirm the collection and drop-off location and time. We will
endeavour to make a mutually convenient collection window. Whilst We accept no obligation to, We may offer collection
and drop off extensions to Your hire period, if mutually convenient and at Our own discretion. If We are not able to contact
You using the details that You inputted when making the Reservation, the Reservation will automatically be cancelled and We shall have no liability to You.
8.2           A Driver of the Hirer must be present at the pick-up of the Vehicle and at the time of collection. Such Driver must bring their driving license, Minibus Permit and Section 19 permit. 
8.3 You must also present us with the Required Documents.
8.4 Where You wish to add an Additional Driver, they do not have to be present at the time the Vehicle is delivered, but You must provide their valid, full original driving licence for us to verify and a DVLA licence check code prior to them being added as a valid Additional Driver.
8.5 You must meet the agreed collection period, otherwise Your hire may be cancelled if We are unable to find a suitable, mutually convenient alternative.
8.6 You must (within reason) return the Vehicle at the stated time, otherwise You may incur a charge for the additional hire period.
8.7 You are then responsible for fuel and AdBlue consumption during the Hire Period and the fuel tank must be returned Full when You return the Vehicle to Us.
8.8     We will inspect the Vehicle on its return for any damage or changes in condition from that which was described in the 
Vehicle Condition Report/Pre-Hire Checklist at the time of the Vehicle pick up. If You are unable or refuse to complete the inspection with Us, We will inspect the Vehicle in Your absence and notify You of Our findings and include any relevant photographs of such damage We find in Our inspection for You to review.
8.9     Some damage may not be apparent at the post-rental inspection, such as mechanical damage (for example in areas such as the engine, fuel tank or clutch) or damage hidden by adverse light or weather conditions. If We find any such damage, We will notify You with evidence of the same.
8.10 The Vehicle should be returned in a similar condition of cleanliness to which it was received. Where additional time is required to prepare the Vehicle back to a rentable condition due to, including but not exclusive of strong odours, pet hairs, mud, sand, bodily fluids, dirt or stubborn stains, an additional charge to return the vehicle back to its original state will apply.
9.0 Lost Property:
9.1        During the Hire Period (and any additional period until termination) We are not responsible for any property held in the Vehicle. This is kept at Your sole risk.
9.2         You must not leave any property in the Vehicle when You return it to Us. If You have left items in the Vehicle, We may agree to keep them for You to collect within a reasonable time. Any property left in the Vehicle which remains unclaimed 2 weeks after the end of the Rental Period will be disposed of, without further notice to You.
10 Damage, Loss, Theft:
10.1  In the event of any loss ,damage or theft to the Vehicle ,you must provide us with all such assistance and information as We reasonably request to investigate the matter and/or to otherwise deal with it.
10.2 Accident or damage to the Vehicle must be notified to Us as soon as possible by calling the number We provided You on collection. You must also complete an incident report using the device in the glovebox as soon as possible. You will be able to upload pictures and provide full information about the damage.
10.3  Damage resulting from the wrong type of fuel being used while on hire will be Your responsibility, and You will have to pay the full repair costs.
10.4  Any damage to the paintwork and bodywork of the minibus will be the liability of the driver/user who will be invoiced. We will either use Our usual mechanic and repair service, or the hirer may prefer to obtain three separate quotes, of which We will approve one of them (this may not always be the cheapest provider, as We will consider service level also).
10.5  Repair costs of all damage, wilful or otherwise, caused by passengers or the driver to the minibus interior, fixtures and fittings shall be borne by the user.
10.6 Should any damage or accident be the result of driver error; the hirer will be responsible in meeting all repair costs and  will be invoiced upon receipt of an estimate. We will either use Our usual mechanic and repair service or the user is Welcome to provide up to 3 estimates for repair work and arrange for the subsequent repair and payment to the selected garage which will be agreed between the borrower and Us (this may not always be the cheapest provider, as We will consider service level also).
10.7   We reserve the right to take any necessary legal action to recover uninsured losses from the hirer. if required.
10.8  The hirer may be liable for the cost of replacing a tyre(s) and/or the alloy(s) if it is damaged beyond repair due to kerbing Or being driven on whilst the tyre(s) flat or punctured.
10.9The hirer may be liable for any loss of income that arises as a result of the above.
11 Accidents
11.1     In the event of an accident where a claim must be made through Our insurers, You are liable to pay the full insurance  excess. 
11.2     If You have an accident with or in the Vehicle, You must:
(a)Not admit or accept liability to any third-party;
(b)obtain and notify Us of all the names and addresses of all parties involved in the accident, including wherever possible any witnesses;
(c)secure the Vehicle ,inform the police straight away in the event that anyone is injured, the road is blocked as a result of the accident or, if any third-party property has been damaged;
(d)call the number for Our breakdown assistance service as set out in the Booking Form and report the accident or breakdown to Our breakdown assistance team.
(e)in the case of an accident with a third party, call the breakdown assistance service number as soon as possible, but no later than 6 hours of the accident. In the event of confiscation or impounding of the Vehicle by third parties, You must inform us immediately by calling the number provided at collection.
(f)complete the incident form using the device in the glovebox
(g)notify Us by calling the number provided to You.
12 Vehicle Breakdown:
12.1    For the duration of the Hire Period, the Vehicle has the benefit of Our breakdown assistance service. In order to benefit
From this service, You must call the designated contact number as found in the glovebox.
12.2    If the Vehicle breaks down during the Hire Period, We will as soon as possible, recover and repair the Vehicle. If the  Breakdown is caused by a Driver’s negligence, or arises as a result of Your breach of this  Contract, You will be responsible for the damage or loss under this clause 12 and recovery, together with an administration fee to cover the handling of the claim and any other reasonable associated costs; such as loss of income.
12.3     Where the Vehicle breakdown is caused by a driver’s negligence or arises as a result of Your breach of the Contract, You will be responsible for the payment of the any towing Fees that We incur to tow the Vehicle. Such towing fees shall be calculated based on the actual towing costs incurred by Us.
12.4     You may be liable for paying all fees for damages to the Vehicle including, but not limited to:
(a)a Driver putting the wrong fuel in the Vehicle
(b)if the Vehicle runs out of fuel;
(c)loss of or, locked in keys;
(d)damage to the clutch;
(e)flat battery; and
(f)towing and recovery charges,
the above list is not exhaustive.
13Theft of Vehicle and Damage
13.1If the Vehicle or keys are stolen, you must report it to the police and obtain a police report or crime reference number,
 without delay and, You must immediately provide Us with the police report or crime reference number and, the keys (if 
possible). We will have no responsibility or liability for the loss, theft or damage to any personal belongings left in the 
Vehicle at the time it was stolen.
(a)In the event of theft or damage, You are responsible for paying the insurance excess and;
(b)Any loss of income We experience as a result of Your negligence
13.2In the event of loss/theft of keys or other accessories within the Vehicle e.g. First Aid Kit, Tablet, Fire Extinguisher, You are responsible for paying the cost of replacement.
13.3If We believe that You are responsible for damage, We will notify You as soon as possible of the appropriate amount due as set out above and provide documentary evidence of the damage, and the expert’s findings, and estimate of cost of repair.
13.4 If You disagree with the expert’s estimate of the losses resulting from the damage, you may instruct Your own suitably Qualified and accredited expert (at Your own cost) and We will allow You and/or Your expert to access the evidence of  the damage in Our possession. If We cannot agree with You the amount due in respect of the damage, it may be necessary for a court to decide on the appropriate payment.
13.5 If you are in an accident where someone is injured, or their property is damaged ,the provisions of this clause shall apply. The Vehicle comes with third party liability cover. This means You are covered for any damage caused to another  person’s property (for example, their Vehicle and/or any injury suffered by them, including passengers in the Vehicle). You will not have to pay any of their costs (with the exception of the insurance excess), unless the damage or injurywas caused, or contributed to, by:
(a)Your or a Driver’s negligence;
(b)You breaching any part of the Contract (for example, allowing someone other than an approved Driver (confirmed to us on the Booking Form to drive the Vehicle);
(c)You breaching any of the provisions contained in this Contract and such breach causes or contributes to the damage or third-party claim; or
(d)You breaking the law.
13.6 In these circumstances, the law requires Us and/or to provide You with third party liability cover, the minimum cover required by law will still apply but We, or Our insurer, may seek to recover Our full costs from you. Please note third party liability cover does not cover any injury to any Driver of the Vehicle or any personal items inside the Vehicle.
14Speeding, Parking and Traffic Fines and Tolls:
14.1You are responsible for all fines and charges issued as a result of You or any Driver using the Vehicle. Fines and charges could include: all parking fines or charges; toll charges; towing charges; clamping costs; traffic fines or charges; speeding fines; idle charges and any other charges or fines.
14.2 Ifa fine or charge is sent to us because You haven’t paid a charge or complied with the law, We will take payment for:
(a)Our administration fee of 40.00 GBP for every transaction handled by Us to cover Our costs of dealing with the fine or charge; and
(b)The fine or charge itself (if We have to pay it).
14.3Where there is a reduction in a fine cost if it is paid by a certain date, We cannot guarantee that We will meet these deadlines and as such, You should presume You will be liable for the full cost of the fine.
14.4    We have no auto payment accounts for the following services, You will need to pay separately for these, 
London Road User (Congestion Charging, LEZ, ULEZ)
Dart Charge
M6 Toll
14.4 By undertaking a hire with Us, You agree that You will pay on request any invoices sent to You in relation to any notices We receive in line with clause 14. You are also liable for any fees which We have to undertake to recover any debts that are unpaid.
14.5 By agreeing to the Contract, You agree to Us giving Your details, to the authority or private company that has issued the fine or charge if We consider they have a right to the information and the law allows Us to do so. 
14.6 If We are not able to lawfully pass on Your information, We will pay the fine or charge on Your behalf and then invoice You for the fine or charge, and Our administration fee, payable by You within 3 days.
14.7 If You want to appeal, contest or dispute a fine or charge, We will give you the details of the fine or charge and, the Organisations who issued the fine or charge. You must deal directly with the issuing organisations to get a refund and/or compensation.
14.8 If the Vehicle is seized by the police or customs and excise or any other authority during the Hire Period (and any additional period until termination), unless the seizure was caused by Our negligence or Us acting in breach of the Contract or the law, You will have to pay:
(a)Any costs We incur as a result of the seizure. This includes the initial uplift charge and up to 1 additional working day;
(b)together with any loss of rental income while the Vehicle is not available to rent to someone else; and
(c)Our costs associated with collecting, which may include, but are not limited to:
1)Mileage for a vehicle to take Our volunteers to the Vehicle (as defined)
2)Mileage for the Vehicle to drive it back to Us
3)Mileage for the accompanying vehicle
4)Accommodation and subsistence if deemed necessary to undertake the travel over more than one day.
15 Personal information and security checks:
15.1We shall collect your personal information and will electronically scan the identity documents onto Our system. We will
Hold and use Your personal information and that of any Driver in order to perform Our obligations under the Contract and for Our business purposes in accordance with the terms of Our privacy policy which is available on Our Website or on request.
16 What to do if you want to Complain:
16.1You are entitled to raise a formal complaint in line with Our Complaints Policy by contacting the District Lead Volunteer or The Chair of the Board of Trustees.
District Lead Volunteer- James Pugh e. james.pugh@elstreescouts.org.uk m.07539 530 125
Chair of the Board of Trustees- Moley Brown e. moley.brown@elstreescouts.org.uk m. 07701 087 040
17 General:
17.1 Assignment and other dealings
You may not assign or transfer Your rights or obligations under this Contract to a third party or, subcontract any or all of Your rights or obligations under the Contract without Our prior written consent.
17.2 Entire agreement. 
The Contract contains all the relevant terms that are to apply to the Hire Agreement and is the entire agreement between us and supersedes and extinguishes all previous agreements between Us.
17.3 Governing law. 
The Contract, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or  formation (including non contractual disputes or claims),shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.
17.4 Jurisdiction. 
Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-  contractual disputes or claims).

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