Funding Adventurous Activities Courses

,Volunteers are the heart of the Scouts and we want you to get every bit as much out of it as you put in. We know that Scouting is not only about young people, but also about the development of our volunteers. In developing our amazing adults and leaders, we will be able to offer more activities and Skills for Life to our Young People, whoa re at the heart of everything we do.

Please note, funded training is only offered to Roles Assistant Section Leader and above.

District Organised Training Courses

The district will attempt to arrange courses where there is significant interest/identified need. Adults who wish to join these courses will be fully funded if they are approved to join the course. Adults complete a booking, which is reviewed by the DC and we will fully fund the course at their discretion.

County & Scout Adventures Organised Training Courses

The district agree in principle to pay up to 50% of the total cost of courses organised by Hertfordshire Scouts or Scout Adventures, if the leaders group agree to match funding.  This funding requires approval of the Senior Leadership Team, who can, at their discretion also agree to fund further if there are mitigating circumstances.

External Organised Training

The district agree in principle to pay up to 33% of the total cost of courses organised by External providers, if the leaders group agree to match funding and there is a specific and identified need for the individual course.  This funding requires approval of the Senior Leadership Team, who can, at their discretion propose to the district executive committee to fund further if there are mitigating circumstances.

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