District Organised Courses- Training Agreement

THIS AGREEMENT is dated Form.Entry.DateCreated


Form.AboutYou.Name ("The Volunteer") and  Elstree and District Scouts  ("The Organisation")


  • The volunteer currently holds the role of Form.AboutYou.Role
  • If the application is successful, and approval is granted by the district commissioner, Elstree and District Scouts will book a place for the volunteer in relation to training and development, undertaking the following course: Form.AboutTheCourse.CourseName (“the Course”).

You acknowledge that completion of this form is not guarantee that you will be accepted to take place on this training 


1.   In consideration of Elstree and District Scouts meeting the Costs of the course which are set out in the Schedule to this Agreement (“the Costs”), the Volunteer (Volunteer Name) undertakes to reimburse Elstree and District Scouts of any and all Costs associated with the booking or undertaking of this training course if:

  • You voluntarily withdraw from or terminate the Course early without prior written consent, which must be gained by at least two members of the core executive committee (DC/Chair/Treasurer/Secretary);
  • You are dismissed or otherwise compulsorily discharged from the course, unless the dismissal or discharge arises out of the discontinuance generally of the course;
  • You resign from your position within the movement, either prior to completion of the course or within twenty-four months after the end of the course, except that in the latter case, the amount which would otherwise be due to Elstree and District Scouts shall be reduced by 1/24th part for each complete calendar month after the end of the Course during which you remain a volunteer with the organisation.
  • You fail to keep the qualification up-to-date or fail to attend required further training that will progress your qualification, where requested to by the District Commissioner

2.         You agree that if any of the clauses in section 1 require a payment to be made to the organisation, that you will be invoiced for the above. If payment is not settled within 30 days, Elstree and District Scouts reserve the right to either:

  • Pass the outstanding amounts due under this agreement to a third party for collection
  • Make a court claim against you to pursue monies due under this agreement.

In either of the above cases, you will also be responsible for any fees incurred by Elstree and District Scouts in the process of attempting to collect this debt.

3.         The amount due to Elstree and District Scouts under the terms of this Agreement is a genuine attempt by the charity to assess its loss as a result of the termination of a volunteer and takes into account the derived benefit to the charity.  This Agreement is not intended to act as a penalty on the volunteer upon termination.

4.         Upon qualification, you agree to volunteer your service, without remuneration in leading this activity across all groups in the district, and to the district itself, and will endeavour to assist at district activities in leading this activity where requested, and will equally endeavour to assist groups where they have requested you to lead activities in relation to this qualification.

5.       You agree to undertake any necessary further training during the period of your qualification when requested to do so by the District Commissioner (For example, you may be requested to undertake PB2 and Safety Boat qualifications following undertaking a PB1 qualification) . Where these courses are required, they will be arranged by the district. You will be required to sign a new training agreement for any further courses.


These costs will be incurred by Elstree and District Scouts in relation to booking Form.AboutYou.Name onto this course, and they will be recoverable in line with clauses 1 and/or 2 and/or 3 of this agreement

Course Fees:-

Cost of books/materials (if applicable):-

 Any other expenses:-

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