I need to meet the Appointments Committee

You can book to meet with the appointments advisory committee here

You will need to have completed References (which your line manager can request via compass) before the meeting.

Who will I meet at the Appointment meeting?

You will meet with three people that volunteer as part of the District team, who make up the the Appointments Panel.

How long is the Appointment meeting?

Most appointment meetings last between 20 and 30 minutes.

What is the meeting about?

The meeting is an opportunity for the Scouts to welcome and thank you for expressing an interest in volunteering with the organisation and to  discuss with you, what your volunteering will involve.

The Promises of Scouting, the Scout values, our code of conduct (also known as the Yellow Card), and key policies which you will need to agree to follow, will be also be discussed.

There will be an opportunity for you to share what you are hoping to get out of your volunteering, for you to ask any questions and to check that you know where to access support. 

Do I need to prepare anything for the meeting?

It would be useful to take a look at the following information, 

Young People First (The Yellow Card)

The Values

The Key Policies

The Promises of Scouting

Don’t worry, if you don’t get chance, it will be discussed with you, during the meeting.   

Where will the appointment meeting be held?

The location varies for our meetings as we travel around the district, and virtually to ensure we can offer everyone convenience in getting to us, the location is listed as part of your booking.

What happens after the meeting?

The volunteers on the Appointments Panel will explain to you, what the next steps are. They will provide you with guidance on the training you will need to complete and support you with completing your disclosure (DBS) check if this has not already been done.

They will also pass on their recommendation, about your appointment to the relevant commissioner and you and your line manager will be notified of the outcome.

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