What training do I need to do?
There are mandatory training modules that the Scout Association require you to complete before starting your role. These modules are not very onerous, and we would expect them to take around twenty minutes each, requiring probably only an hour or two of your time in total of your time in total. Your training advisor, 'TA', can help you with any of these as required.
Module Title What Roles Need Them Notes 01 Essential Information All Roles Just click on it to get started 02 Personal Learning Plan Managers Roles, Leader Roles To be done In association with TA 03 Tools for the Role (Section Leaders) Leader Roles Just click on it to get started 04 Tools for the Role (Managers and Supporters) Managers Just click on it to get started Safety Safety Training All Roles Just click on it to get started Safeguarding Safeguarding Training All Roles Just click on it to get started GDPR General Data Protection Regulation All Roles Just click on it to get started Trustee Introduction Trustee Induction Executive Committee Roles Just click on it to get started
All these modules are simple and each one should only take of the order of 20 minutes or so. As you complete each one, please send the automatically produced certificate to either your TA or line manager, who will update our records.
Leaders also need to do further training called 'Wood Badge Training', speak with your TA who will help ascertain what modules you need to do, and what training modules you're likely to already know, or get 'on the job' training for.